Graphs, Graphs, and nothing but the Graphs
Max De Marzi
- Videos
Building a Dating site with Neo4j – Part One
You might have already heard that Facebook is why Amara women getting into the Dating business. Other dating sites have been using graphs in the past and we’ve looked at finding love using the graph before. It has been a while though, so let’s return to the topic making use of the new Date and Geospatial capabilities of Neo4j 3.4. I have to warn you though that I’ve been with Helene for almost 15 years and missed out on all this dating site fun, what I do know I blame Colin for it and some pointers from the comments section of this blog post.
Dating sites face a series of challenges, the first one is lack of users. Only two ways to fix that, the first one involves having lots of money to pay for national advertisements, the second involves word of mouth. So you dear reader have to either invest a few million dollars or join our new dating site and tell all your friends about it.
The second challenge is matching people together. Sure looks are important, but we can’t all be “5/7” or look like Seven of Nine. We want to find people who share common values, both in terms of the things they love and hate. Sometimes though, it is opposites that attract. So we’ll need a ranking system, but also the ability to flip it around and see who else is out there.
The third challenge dating sites face is messages. More specifically crude overtly sexual messages from desperate uglies to every profile. To fix this, some sites only let paying members send messages, which isn’t super effective. Other sites have decided that only women may send messages. We’re going to try something different. More on that in a bit.
The fourth challenge is getting people to keep coming back to the dating site and staying there. Read More