PROVERA® medroxyprogesterone acetate Medication Guide US
PROVERA® medroxyprogesterone acetate Medication Guide US
MPA is rapidly absorbed from thegastrointestinal tract, and maximum MPA concentrations are obtained between 2to 4 hours after oral administration. Medroxyprogesterone acetate at high doses is anantifertility drug and high doses would be expected to impair fertility untilthe cessation of treatment. Discontinue estrogen plus progestin therapy pendingexamination if there is sudden partial or complete loss of vision, or a suddenonset of proptosis, diplopia or migraine.
What should I avoid while taking medroxyprogesterone?
Provera is used for contraception and for treating endometrial or renal cancer. Studies of the addition of a progestin for 10 or more days of a cycle of estrogen administration, or daily with estrogen in a continuous regimen, have reported a lowered incidence of endometrial hyperplasia than would be induced by estrogen treatment alone. Endometrial hyperplasia may be a precursor to endometrial cancer. PROVERA tablets may be given in dosages of 5 or 10 mg daily for 12 to 14 consecutive days per month, in postmenopausal women receiving daily 0.625 mg conjugated estrogens, either beginning on the 1st day of the cycle or the 16th day of the cycle.
Reduction of Endometrial Hyperplasia in Postmenopausal Women Receiving Daily 0.625 mg Conjugated Estrogens
Mirena (levonorgestrel) is a plastic intrauterine device placed in the uterus and is used to … There have not been sufficient numbers of geriatric women involved in clinical studies utilizing PROVERA alone to determine whether those over 65 years of age differ from younger subjects in their response to PROVERA alone. Clinical studies have not been conducted in the pediatric population. If you have significant liver impairment from alcoholic cirrhosis, Provera is discouraged. If it is prescribed, your dosage may be lower than the standard dose.
- Leuprolide is used to treat endometriosis, prostate cancer, and early-onset puberty.
- Provera is used for abnormal uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, birth control, endometrial cancer …
- Should a stroke occur or be suspected, estrogen plusprogestin therapy should be discontinued immediately.
- While parenterally administered MPA inhibitsgonadotropin production, which in turn prevents follicular maturation andovulation, available data indicate that this does not occur when the usuallyrecommended oral dosage is given as single daily doses.
- But also specific medical changes that may indicate there may be a need for a dose change or something that could have affected their thyroid hormone levels.
Because the long-acting nature of the medication, I do indicate that it may take several months to see an improvement in both of these levels. And to adjust the dose based on periodic assessment of the patient’s clinical response and their laboratory values. The second is that Synthroid has a history, as physicians have been treating patients with hypothyroidism with Synthroid for over 65 years. In the elderly and in patients with cardiovascular disease, SYNTHROID should be initiated at lower doses than those recommended in younger individuals or in patients without cardiac disease. Patients with coronary artery disease who are receiving SYNTHROID should be closely monitored for cardiac arrhythmias during surgical procedures. Overtreatment or undertreatment with levothyroxine may have negative effects on different systems throughout the human body.
Chloasma or melasma that may persist when drug isdiscontinued; erythema multiforme; erythema nodosum; hemorrhagic eruption; lossof scalp hair; hirsutism; pruritus, rash. Breast tenderness, mastodynia or galactorrhea has beenreported. This document does not contain all possible side effects and others may occur. Check with your physician for additional information about side effects. Get medical help right away, if you have any of the symptoms listed above. AbbVie is not responsible for the privacy policy, the content, or the accuracy of any websites accessed through a link on the site.
In a second 1-year study, 832 postmenopausal womenbetween 45 and 65 years of age were treated with daily 0.625 mg conjugatedestrogen (days 1–28), plus either 5 mg cyclic PROVERA or 10 mg cyclicPROVERA(days 15–28), or daily 0.625 mg conjugated estrogen only. The treatment groupsreceiving 5 or 10 mg cyclic PROVERA (days 15–28) plus daily conjugatedestrogens showed a significantly lower rate of hyperplasia as compared to theconjugated estrogens only group. Beginning on the calculated 16th or 21st day of themenstrual cycle, 5 or 10 mg of PROVERA may be given daily for 5 to 10 days. Patients with a past history of recurrentepisodes of abnormal uterine bleeding may benefit from planned menstrualcycling with PROVERA.
These medications are those where small changes in the dose or blood concentration may lead to serious therapeutic failures and/or adverse drug reactions. Other drugs may affect Provera, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Using this medicine can increase your risk of blood clots, stroke, or heart attack, especially if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, if you are overweight, or if you smoke. Long-term use of medroxyprogesterone may increase your risk of cancer of the breast, uterus, or ovaries.
This information does not take the place oftalking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or yourtreatment. Results of the CE plus MPA substudy, which included16,608 women (average 63 years of age, range 50 to 79; 83.9 percent White, 6.8percent Black, 5.4 percent Hispanic, 3.9 percent Other) are presented in Table4. These results reflect centrally adjudicated data after an average follow-upof 5.6 years. In 14 patients with advanced liver disease, MPA disposition wassignificantly altered (reduced elimination). In patients with fatty liver, the meanpercent dose excreted in the 24-hour urine as intact MPA after a 10 mg or 100mg dose was 7.3% and 6.4%, respectively. No specific investigation on the absolute bioavailabilityof MPA in humans has been conducted.
- Keep in mind that Provera can’t always be taken along with hormonal birth control.
- Acne, Sensitivity reactionsconsisting of urticaria, pruritus, edema and generalized rash have occurred.Acne, alopecia and hirsutism have been reported.
- Treatment ofoverdose consists of discontinuation of CE plus MPA together with institutionof appropriate symptomatic care.
- Provera will bring on a period between three and seven days after you finish taking a five- to 10-day course of treatment.
- The use of estrogen-alone and estrogen plus progestin has been reported to result in an increase in abnormal mammograms requiring further evaluation.
(See CLINICAL STUDIES.) The increase in risk was demonstrated after the first year and persisted. Should a stroke occur or be suspected, estrogen plus progestin therapy should be discontinued immediately. When estrogen is prescribed for a postmenopausal womanwith a uterus, a progestin should also be initiated to reduce the risk ofendometrial cancer. Use ofestrogen, alone or in combination with a progestin, should be with the lowesteffective dose and for the shortest duration consistent with treatment goalsand risks for the individual woman. Patients should be re-evaluatedperiodically as clinically appropriate (for example, 3 to 6 month intervals) todetermine if treatment is still necessary (see WARNINGS).
- Progestins may cause some degree of fluid retention.Women who have conditions which might be influenced by this factor, such ascardiac or renal impairment, warrant careful observation when estrogen plusprogestin are prescribed.
- In the absence of comparable data, these risks should be assumed to be similar for other doses of CE and MPA, and other combinations and dosage forms of estrogens and progestins.
- If it is prescribed, your dosage may be lower than the standard dose.
Provera synthroid transdermal is a progestin, a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone that’s naturally produced in the body after ovulation. It works by correcting hormonal balance and regulating ovulation, which may help with irregular, missing, or unusually heavy periods. No interactions were found between Depo Provera and levothyroxine.